Connect Global Australia Pty Ltd
For all enquiries please phone 07 3841 4445

Retrieving your console account reference

These steps will show you how to retrieve your Console account reference.

Step 1. Go to the Forgot Password page
- Go to and click on 'console login'.
- Click on the 'Forgot password?' link

Step 2. Begin the password reset process
On the 'Fogotten account password' page, you can either use either of the following two options:

a) Reset your account password by using your account reference
In order to use this option, you will need to know your account reference.
- Enter your First name, Last name and Account refernce and then click 'Submit'.

b)Reset your account password by using your domain name
If you do not know your account reference, you can use this option.
- Enter your first name, last name and a domain name associated with your account and then click 'Submit'.

An email will be sent to you with a subject of "Connect Global Australia Pty Ltd Password Assistance". Under the FIRST link, you will see something similar to "Your Login is: ABC-123 for your account." In this case, ABC-123 is your account reference.

If you do not wish to reset your password you can delete the email message.


Connect Global Australia Pty Ltd
For all enquiries please phone 07 3841 4445